Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Human Nutrition And Its Effects On The Health Of Obese People

Human nutrition is one of the vital topics discussed in the fields of health, largely because a diet predicts the well-being of the human species. Recently, Americans have been eating a particularly hurtful diet, deficient in nutrients needed to maintain a healthy physiological state. A steady increase of obese and overweight people developed over the course of the last century to present day, and the issue has only recently gained the attention of the public. The cause for concern is due to the health of obese people. They have an increased risk for health complications such as diabetes, high-blood pressure, stroke, cardiac arrest, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer (specifically endometrial, kidney, and gallbladder), etc (Head 1-2). Obesity and overweight are ways to define a person with more than normal body fat, which is measured on the body mass index chart (Harvard School of Public Health). According to the Centers of Disease Control, an adult with a BMI between 25 kg /m2 and 29.9 kg/m2 is labeled overweight, making a BMI of over 30 kg/m2 the label for obesity. In children, overweight falls between the 85th and 95th percentile of BMI, with obesity being over the 95th percentile (CDC). In 2012, a total of 68.5% of the adult population is either obese or overweight, and the same qualifies for 16.9% of children (The State of Obesity). Despite the risks associated with an excessive weight, obesity rates have yet to significantly decline for all age groups, and theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Dietary Nitrates On Weight Maintenance814 Words   |  4 PagesReturn address: 3/7 Pannill Place,Oteha,Auckland 0632 Email Paper Name:Nutritional Research Methods Paper no.:151.708 Topic of research: The effect of dietary nitrates on weight maintenance in obese population following a 10% weight loss TITLE The effect of dietary nitrates on weight maintenance in obese population following a 10% weight loss BACKGROUND Dietary nitrates are inorganic inert anionic compounds in fruits, vegetables and cured meats. About 80-85% of the nitrateRead MoreENG4U IP EO1142 Words   |  5 Pagesyou start dipping it’s hard to stop† (â€Å"Chicken McNugget†) is how McDonald’s describe Chicken McNuggets. People never stop their enthusiasm for McDonald’s. However, those fast food are defined as junk foods which contain numerous calories and are rarely good for health. Moreover, not only junk food but also soft drinks can affect society negatively. The effect of an increasing number of obese people and youth on eating this unhealthy food has become a severe social problem at present. In order to motivateRead MoreObesity Rates Among The United States1182 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica has become a major national health issue over the last several decades. Increasingly alarming statistics have garnered national headlines. Current statistics place 68.5% of the U.S. population in class ifications ranging from overweight to super obese. Approximately 35% of all U.S. adults currently fall under the label of obese.(Ogden, et al., 2014) Potentially more alarming is the prevalence of obesity in adolescents. U.S. youth are becoming obese at earlier and earlier ages. One outRead MoreObesity : A Healthy Lifestyle919 Words   |  4 Pagesmany people are obese. Americans are becoming very lazy and are less motivated to work out or exercise. Americans are also becoming dependent to fast unhealthy food places to eat every day. Americans need to choose a healthy lifestyle vs. an unhealthy lifestyle because being healthy is essential in today’s competitive world. According to Center of Disease Control in 2013 it states that 35.7% of Americans are obese. Obesity is a very harmful disease that can be cured from good nutrition and exerciseRead MoreNeighbourhood Study Essay1203 Words   |  5 Pagescauses and its effects shall be evaluated. Public health strategies regarding the prevention of obesity and its effects in comparison to Government strategies shall be addressed. The nurse’s role as an educator in relation to this public health issue, strategies formulated by HPCT to prevent obesity and how it focuses on other diseases associated with obesity shall be discussed. The following section gives a definition of obesity, health education and health prevention. The World Health OrganizationRead MoreEssay on Are Parents to Blame for Childhood Obesity?1489 Words   |  6 Pageschildren in the U.S. are obese. In fact, â€Å"Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese (Obesity rates among, 2011). The childhood obesity rates have steadily risen since 1980 and many children are now suffering from what were once thought of as adult illnesses, such as elevated cholesterol levels, hypertension, arthritis, and diabetes. Several internal and external factors contribute to childhood obesity; however, many people believe that parents areRead MoreThe Effect Of Nutrition On Children And Its Economic Impact1549 Words   |  7 PagesThe Value of Nutrition in Children and its Economic Impact Nutrition is the elements in food and drinks that are essential for the body to function, grow, and sustain a healthy life. Proper nutrition is particularly important to children and the lasting effects of inadequate or poor nutrition can be detrimental to a child’s long-term health and well-being. Nutrition plays a crucial role in the physical and mental development of children and can have a striking impact as they progress through theirRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic876 Words   |  4 Pagesissue in the United States: it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years [1]. American Heart Association stated, â€Å"Today one in three American kids and teens are overweight or obese; nearly triple the rate in 1963† [5]. Unfort unately, this affects our childrenRead MoreObesity Is A Major Problem1234 Words   |  5 Pagesdecades, the rate of obesity in America has been on the increasing end; two out of three Americans are either obese or overweight. The obesity epidemic has become a major problem in the United States which caused many serious effects on individual and society. It is an indiscriminate problem that negatively affect everyone from adults to children; which is a significant threat to the health of humanity that needs to be eliminated. First, we need to know what obesity is. According to Oxford DictionaryRead MoreThe Topic Of Childhood Obesity1387 Words   |  6 PagesThe topic of childhood obesity has been widely discussed in the community recently. It is an important issue because it concerns our children’s health and wellness. In the simplest form, overweight can be described as having more fat than is healthy. We all have some body fat but too much can cause serious health issues. A person who is overweight weighs more than the healthy range for his or her gender, age and height. Thirty five years ago, only 15% of children were overweight in Canada. Today

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Spiritual Gifts Sermon By Homi 860-397 Luo - 2998 Words

Spiritual Gifts Sermon HOMI 860-397 LUO Jonathan Behler L23929745 In today’s sermon we will be discussing the gifts of the Spirit. When we become indwelled by the Holy Spirit we receive spiritual blessings. Spiritual gifts are crucial to the growth of the church. If you are a Christian you possess a spiritual gift or gifts at the moment of salvation. Spiritual gifts edify the body of Christ. Today we will be focusing on what these gifts are and finding out more about their purpose in our lives. Scripture directs us to utilize our gifts to serve others within the church body. 1 Peter 2:10 (King James Version) says, â€Å"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.† Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 (King James Version), â€Å"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same spirit, to another gifts of healing, by one Spirit, to another miraculous powers to another to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues and still another the interpretation of tongues, all these are the work of one of the same spirit and He gives them to each one as he determines.† We Christians are like body parts to Christ. But, it must beShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of The Holy Spirit3102 Words   |  13 Pages The Role of the Holy Spirit in Salvation HOMI 860-397 LUO Jonathan Behler L23929745 â€Æ' What is the Holy Spirit’s role in salvation? How can sinful man come to the saving knowledge of a Holy God? What part does the Holy Spirit play in regeneration? These are the questions we are going to investigate today. My intention with this sermon is to challenge us and encourage us in the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration of a soul. With that said let us

Monday, December 9, 2019

Eve Teasing free essay sample

EVE TEASING Our society is suffering from many social evils at this moment. One of the worst evils is the Eve Teasing. Now eve teasing is the one of the main threats for bangladesh because it is destroying the social balance. Eve teasing is a euphemism used for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men, with eve being a reference to the biblical Eve. It usually involves young men annoying girls or women by making sexual harassment in public place or in the working places. School college gate are the wayward of young men of disturbing girls or women.Eve teasing begins as an attempt to irritate a girl or catch her attention. A lewd stare or, a sly whistle, a well timed clap, an unwarranted bump, a seemingly casual touch, a lingering look, the humming of suggestive song, passing downright uncouth comments, cheap gestures, display of indecent videos or snaps†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Eve Teasing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page all these are typical example of eve teasing. Eve teasing may seem harmless fun to some, but gets the nerve of the victims. The severe impact of eve teasing is taking away the lives of young girls as we have witnessed recently.  Eve teasing has an ability of curtailing the education of a girl. Girls who are teased or harassed are also pushed into marriage at an early age before they are physically or mentally prepared. It also hinders women from participating in the formal employment sector. To prevent this heinous act we have to raise public awareness of bad impact of eve teasing. The government should have more firm position against the eve teasers take necessary steps to punish them before it begins to be replicated with impunity.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Hunter Gatherer Era Essays - Lithics, Tool, Bone Tool, Stone Age

The Hunter Gatherer Era The Stone Age was a time early in the development of human cultures before the use of metals when tools and weapons were made of stone, and human food was mainly produced from hunting and gathering. The dates of the Stone Age vary considerably for different parts of the world and even until very recently there were some cultures that lived in much the same way as the hunter-gatherers of thousands of years ago. In the Stone Age, the hunting and gathering of food was the norm. The males of this time specialized in hunting - usually with stone-tipped weapons, while the females gathered items. ?Incidental tools? were the first tools to be used. These tools were stones, sticks and other such items that the early humans found just lying about. Next came ?dawn stones? ? the first stone tools to be fashioned. These were usually crudely chipped pebbles or flaked stone implements that were used for many purposes, but dawn stones also included the stone and anvil which was used for breaking bones open to get to the marrow deep inside. Over time, a wide variety of tools were made for many purposes. By about 100,000 years ago, humans already had several types of stone tools and were using bone and wood implements as well. As time went by, these modern humans (Homo sapiens) made such specialized tools as bone needles, bone fishhooks, nets, hand axes, choppers, scrapers, backed knives, burins, points, spears, and wooden bows & sharp stone-tipped arrows. Needles were used to sew animal skins together for clothing using sinews as the thread. Fishhooks and nets were used to catch fish. Hand-axes could be used for cutting meat, scraping skins, chopping wood, digging holes, and hammering bone or wood. Choppers were used for smashing bones open to obtain marrow, hacking wood, softening meat, and possibly as a primitive hammer. Scrapers were deployed for dressing hides and possibly obtaining meat from bones. Backed knives were made for the ability to easily cut flesh. Burins were chisels used to carve and shape bone and wood. This would include creating sharp points on spears for hunting. Points, on the other hand, were hafted on to the spears. Rawhide and sinews were used to haft the stone points to the spears and other implements such as axes and arrows. Hafting was a major step in tool development as it enabled the user to put much more force behind his swing. Early humans participated in close range kills, meaning that they literally had to be within a foot of their prey when they attacked it. The Bow and arrow appeared after 20,000 BC. This amazing weapon, along with the spear, allowed the early humans to hunt and kill its prey from a distance. The bows were made from strong but flexible wood while the bowstrings were made from sinews. The arrows were made of wood, but the tips were made of sharp, pointed stones. The stones they preferred to use for their tools and weapons, like flint and obsidian, were very hard. These kinds of stones could be ?flaked? with a bone or antler to give flakes that look something like a human fingernail. In this process, removing chips from the top and sides made a carefully prepared stone core. Whole flakes were then struck from the core to be refinished into a variety of specialized tools. The flaked edges had a surface that is only a single molecule thick - sharper than a razor blade. In the Neolithic period, or New Stone Age, stone tools became highly polished and varied. Some Stone Age cultures, like the Aztecs, developed the art of tool making to a level unsurpassed elsewhere. They fashioned ceremonial cutting objects that were very ornate and artistically attractive in their functional form and symmetry. These ornate tools were probably used in religious ceremonies. Besides game caught from hunting, hunter-gatherers ate a variety of seeds, berries, fruits, roots, nuts and vegetables that they found growing wild. In fact, early humans, especially females and young children, were primarily gatherers. Plants, fungi and small animals were gathered for use mainly as food, but in some cases they were used for medicines, textiles,